Monday, February 20, 2012

Photography and (in)Security

It's a weird time to get into photography. The digital age has made everyone a photographer, but that's only part of it. The art of street photography has become a challenge in particular. People are all paranoid that they're gonna end up all over the internet or something like that.

I am ranting a little bit here. Of course, it's perfectly OK to not want your picture taken, but it used to be that that was due to camera shyness. Now it's completely different. Instead of going on and on, I am going to use other examples I've found on the web to make my point

This is a story from October, 2011, about a man who was banned from a mall in Scotland for snapping two cell phone photos of his daughter eating ice cream.

This is from SnapBlog, which sent six photographers out on the street so they could document how photographers get interrogated and harassed for taking photos in a public place.

The photographers and the Scottish dad were told that they couldn't take their photos because of security reasons and terrorism. I find this to be an appalling excuse when there are cameras watching our every move on the street and we would be told that they are there for the same reasons.

Stand your ground, people.


Friday, February 10, 2012

Your Very Best Work

Maybe it's me, but I always only want to upload photos that I think are awesome. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? If it's not beautiful to me, how can I know what will be beautiful to you? It's ridiculous to rely on others to tell you what's good, especially if you show the same thing in two different places to two different groups of people.

For Christmas, I got a Holga TLR 120. The first roll produced a few images I liked while the second was awful, not helped by the fact that my film was ISO 800. The images overlapped or were blurry or dark. Still, I considered scanning a few and posting them for the heck of it. I mean, people do that.

Maybe for the next blog I'll post some of the experiments gone awry. This time, I am showing my most recent roll shot with Fujifilm ISO 400 with the Pentax and a couple of filters. I am very happy with many of the images from this time around.

As an artist, do you only show your very best work, or do you show things you're not sure of?


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Let's be Honest

I didn't think I'd live past 30. I never even thought of what I'd do with my life if I found out I was wrong. Maybe that was my excuse to detach from everything. I guess it is a mute point.

I had a revelation one night when I was out with a friend, this amazing woman who is so good at everything and visually stunning as well. I wondered what her life would be like if she had decided to just exist and not take advantage of her every talent. What a tragedy...I really mean that. So why should I squash down all of my capabilities?

Have you ever thought of that? What if Prince, Stevie Nicks, Beyonce, Madonna, Janis Joplin, Heart, The Who, Justin Timberlake, Jeff Bridges....or fill in the blank next to where it reads "Who is amazing?"...had never done their thing?

What if we are all amazing?
